Monday, October 6, 2008

My so called life

I ran out the door this morning at 7:30am and just walked in the door at 10pm.
It was a busy fun filled day.
The morning started with Mike's treatment team, and lots of frustration. They have decided to proceed with the commitment process again. I pleaded w/them to do the paperwork correctly this time.
My nite ended with an evening w/the LHS Varsity Soccer team. These girls are amazing. They made the nicest gifts for their folks. Tomorrow is their last home game and there will be a senior ceremony. It will be memorable for sure,.
In the middle of the day I completely tripped and fell on my way to lunch. I smacked the pavement with my knee. My good knee. Who knew? It was so weird. I sat there and felt so silly and thankful I wasn't hurt. Well now of course my knee is killing me and its stiff and sore.
How was your day?


Dawn said...

glad you had fun with the girls tonite. And I'll keep praying for you guys! Vacation in how many days??

My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

You biffed it? Who saw you. :)