Monday, November 17, 2008

some people will do caffeine free or chocolate free
I do Mike free (afterall diet coke has caffeine)
I went 4 days without talking to him
I needed a mental break
time to not sulk and worry to not fret with an upset stomach
instead to try to be happy and rest.

there was a power crafting nite with close friendsi
a craft fair with a ton of friends and new faces
an 85th birthday party with Mrs Jones
more work, grocery shopping and more

today he finally called.. funny he asked me why I hadn't called
ironic.... i told him i was on a break.
thankfully randi jo showed up at the store and needed help
so I got to hang up and not have this long drawn out conversation
he would have reminded me how hard it is being away, blah blah blah.


Addyson Lane's Mommy said...

I am so glad I could help! (without even knowing it) And thank you so much for the help, I am so glad that it worked. By the way, I can work on Dec 6th all day, just let me know what time you need me. TTYL!

Polly said...

I hope you have been getting more sleep my dear! You looked so tired on Saturday and I just wanted to send you home and turn off all phones for you.
Let me know if you need me to help with anything.