Friday, November 28, 2008

a full day

While many of you were fighting the crowds for the perfect holiday I went to work at the normal time and stopped off to get some breakfast at Taco Time. When I got to the window I handed the girl my money and she wouldn't take it, she told me that person in front of me paid and said Merry Christmas. It was such a blessing and a random act. It really made me smile.

I had lunch w/my dear friend Michelle Bly. She is such a pal to me, I can't describe it. She is a successful, intelligent, beautiful person who loves God and her whole being lights up, but she is fierce if given the chance. We share our hearts freely and she is a dear to me.

After work I met Savannah at the Festival of Trees. She was helping with all the dancers from River City. We were able to see Caylie and Ashlyn do their tap as well! Lookin' good girls!!!

We found some ice cream and then were off to a memorial service. My good pals, Kim and Brian, their grandma Mary passed away last week. Tonight was a time of sharing and prayers. It was so special, she truly loved the Lord and impacted so many lives. I was able to steal away Shelby and Taylor Cook and Nicole Kraut (my friends daughters) for a craft nite at the store. It was great seeing the girls smile and laugh when they were crying just moments before. They are amazing cousins, all very unique, loving and kind. It was such a memorable nite and I am thankful their folks allowed me some time with them. Savannah fit right in with them like she was a cousin.

Finally home and off to bed.... to do it all again tomorrow nite.

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