Thursday, December 4, 2008

thoughts from the dark side

this is know
people who don't return phone calls are not nice and piss me off
people who blow other people off are not nice
people who say mean things and make me cry are horribe awful beings
everytime my mom goes out of town i cry
i need new boots so i can kick mean people
i got a diet coke today on my desk from my secret sister, she rocks
savannah has to get her drivers license or i am going to make her go away
i hate housesitting for my folks almost as much as mean people
i love my store and the angels who help me there
i hate crying at my desk
i am sick of having a sick husband
i am done with being nice, I might swear more too
i am sure that God doesn't care about this drama as much as I do
and I am sick of talking about it
i just want a new life, a vacation and some new fun clothes....
man I sound pretty awful


TAMI said...

If you can wear a size 7 I have some nice 'witchy' boots with a fun little pointy tip on them. Some kicking with those could do some nice damage to someones rear-end!!

My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

If Tami's boots don't do. I offer to take your hiney shopping and we will get you a pair that will do some serious damage. Start your leg lifts now so you can add a little extra punch and make it hurt good. :)
Sorry I couldn't get Savan for you tonight, if Justin didn't have to get to work I would have. Promise.

MrsD said...

Really pointy boots work best!

Dawn said...

I wish I could help. I wish I could make it better. I hate situations that seem to go on forever, threatening to destroy the only good we have in us. Don't give in to the dark side! Use the force... :o)

Kristi, I appreciate all you do. I know it's not enough, but I admire you! Thanks for keeping it real.