Thursday, January 22, 2009

for the love of all that is good

...remember this is my vent blog... i say what I want here....
check out my other blog.. the post a few down...from Sunday the 18th
my kids bio mom choose to comment.
how did she ever find my blog?
and why on earth did she choose to comment?
Jake is the one who left us
they NEVER answer their phone
I want to swear and jump up and down and scream.


Dawn said...

I recommend that you swear, jump up and down, and scream!!! At least she hasn't found this blog... so you still have a place to vent! And I know what you feel. really I do!!

Kristi O said...

thanks dear one!

My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

do it, no one is watching. Jump, scream, swear.. we all understand..
I did notice an unsual comment on that post. And didn't think to much of it,

Desiree said...

Oh Kristi, I feel for you - you know my situation as well and - wow the other "bio" parents out there - why do our situations have to be so complicated at times.
I'm praying for you....have SOOOO much fun in Sunny Cali.

Addyson Lane's Mommy said...

Girl...just get away and enjoy yourself. You are so busy taking care of everyone that you need this week. By the need me to go to Spokane for you?;-) Just kidding!

TAMI said...

ok- that was a little weird I must say.....I was wonderin' who that was!? Enjoy your trip, enjoy the buzz & HAPPINESS that CHA brings, enjoy the sun and enjoy CREATING!